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Documents and publications
This article assesses the current state of disaster risk reduction (DRR) in the Greater Horn of Africa (GHA), and focuses on interventions and policies to mitigate hydrometeorological risks.
Documents and publications

This technical summary of the Arab Sustainable Development Report aims to provide an abridged overview of key points and recommendations drawn from the full report, focusing on: (i) the science-policy interface and evidence-based policy in the Arab region

Documents and publications

This brief gives an overview of the disaster trends and challenges across the Arab region, with a special emphasis on infrastructure, informal settlements, climate change, and cross-cutting issues such as governance, inclusiveness, decentralization and

Documents and publications

This report aims to contribute to a better understanding of the impact of disasters in the Arab states. The study provides an assessment, interpretation and visualization of ten national disaster loss databases from the region (i.e.: Comoros, Djibouti

The Project will develop infrastructures for water harnessing and management, and agriculture and livestock production, health and marketing. It will also build the capacity of the inhabitants and governments of the participating countries to better cope with the effects of climate change, resources scarcity and conflicts related to resources utilization...
African Development Bank
Documents and publications

This brochure is part of a series highlighting the World Bank's achievements in disaster risk management (DRM) initiatives. It provides several lessons learned in the field of DRM and reports on a vulnerability and risk assessment communication platform

Documents and publications

This paper is part of a series highlighting the World Bank's achievements in disaster risk management initiatives. It presents the Women Entrepreneurship Resilient Cities (WE’Resilient Cities) competition, building on the World Bank’s existing disaster

Documents and publications

This paper synthesizes the consultations held at the regional, national and local levels throughout the Arab region on the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction, the successor of the Hyogo Framework for Action. This report include the outcomes

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