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Documents and publications

This report evaluates Oxfam America's program for "strengthening community preparedness, rapid response and recovery in Asia/Pacific Islands and Central America", implemented in two regional programmes (The Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu, El

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is working with San Salvador city and its surrounding coffee farms to create a ‘natural’ defence against floods.
United Nations Environment Programme
Documents and publications

This report presents the preliminary results of the technical assistance to connect and develop coordination between three sectors in the Central American and Dominican Republic region — Disaster Risk Management, Culture and Cultural Heritage, and

Lanzamiento en El Salvador del proyecto de Euroclima+ para reducir el riesgo de desastres por inundaciones y sequías en Centroamérica, apoyado por la UE y por España.
Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation
Documents and publications

Since Hurricane Mitch struck in 1998, El Salvador has made significant progress in building local and national humanitarian capacity and leadership. This case study uses an “outcome harvesting” methodology to explore how it happened, and puts forward

Documents and publications

In this study, the authors explore the potentials and shortcomings of national laws in managing flood risk and increasing flood resilience in the context of climate change. They analyze 139 laws from 33 countries collected from the Climate Change Laws of

There is a close relation between disaster risk management, health emergencies, and government finance; and the notion of compound risk is more present today than ever.
World Bank, the
Documents and publications

El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras —los países del norte de Centroamérica (NCA)— y México son de nuevo objeto de intenso interés internacional, un interés que la subregión no concitaba desde el ciclo de conflictos armados internos y la firma de acuerdos de

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