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'So you cannot even draw up an adaptation strategy, as we are not certain about what we need to adapt to…the goal post will keep changing.' A framework is needed to plan a strategy for the better management of water, and make countries and people more resilient...
The New Humanitarian
Documents and publications

This report focuses on results achieved from 27 participating countries in the fourth year of the Education in Emergencies and Post-Crisis Transition (EEPCT) programme developed to rapidly restore quality education while 'building back better' in

Documents and publications

This publication contains abstracts (mainly in English, some in French) from papers presented at the fourth International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change which was held on 21-27 February 2010 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The

Documents and publications

This inventory is an attempt to pull together the threads and to identify what does and what does not work in relation to legal, institutional and planning frameworks for disaster risk reduction (DRR) in Africa. It aims to further support the

Documents and publications

This report highlights the ways UNICEF is working to foster children's resilience in the face of tragedy, and their capacity to hope for – and build – a better future at the individual, community and institutional levels. The first chapter especially

Officials from seven east African countries, also member states of IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority on Development), have been visiting disaster prone areas of Bangladesh to monitor achievements in the field of disaster risk reduction, reports the Financial Express...
Financial Express
Documents and publications

This calendar has been developed to help better prepare for food-related emergencies. It works by combining the most authoritative data on seasonal hazards like floods, droughts, pests and cyclones with information about crop cycles and weather patterns.

Documents and publications

Cahier des changements climatiques, édition spéciale, Octobre 2010 (in French):

Ce numéro vise à sensibiliser le public urbain sahélien sur les risques liés aux changements climatiques. Il prend en compte les lourdes conséquences des événements

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