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Like most neighbouring Southeast Asian countries, Malaysia remains vulnerable to floods, landslides, haze, and water pollution.
Climate Adaptation Platform
Malaysia remains vulnerable to the threat of COVID-19, floods, landslides, haze and water pollution.
The Asean Post
Cover of the publication
Documents and publications
This document aims to succinctly summarize the climate risks faced by Malaysia.
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Documents and publications

By using the health belief model (HBM), this study aims to examine the effectiveness of HBM on the flood-risk reduction (FRR) educational intervention by looking into the perceived susceptibility, severity, benefit and self-efficacy among elementary

Documents and publications

This paper highlights the factors affecting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) flood disaster preparedness located in the Segamat District of Malaysia. An interviewer-assisted survey using a set of flood disaster preparedness questionnaire (developed and

Documents and publications

As with many challenges, education can hold the key to finding solutions to a problem such as climate change. This publication assesses how education might address issues of climate change, using the Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) model on Education

Documents and publications

This publication collects the efforts made by universities in the response and preparedness toward the COCVID-19 pandemic as well as other hazards such as earthquakes, fires, and anthropogenic hazards. This compilation includes 26 case studies from 13

(c) U-INSPIRE Malaysia 2020 Annual Report
The 2020 Annual Report published contains the activities and initiatives that have been done by the Malaysian youth and young professionals, under the aegis of U-INSPIRE Malaysia. As mentioned by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of UKM, Prof. Dato' Dr. Imran Ho
U-INSPIRE Malaysia

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