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Documents and publications

The Maldives is vulnerable to the impacts of natural hazards however, the frequency and associated losses of events are comparatively low. This report identifies and estimates the disaster-related liabilities in the Maldives and presents potential actions

Documents and publications

This brief discusses the establishment of a geospatial database to help Maldives integrate climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in development planning.

It explains how technical assistance helped build a geospatial database on coastal

Documents and publications
The Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) report provides a snapshot of the latest DRR progress Maldives has achieved under the four priorities of the Sendai Framework.
UNDRR is supporting the Member States of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) maintain and protect their development gains by strengthening their ability to develop, implement and monitor coherent disaster risk reduction strategies.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Asia and Pacific
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Office in Incheon for Northeast Asia and Global Education and Training Institute for Disaster Risk Reduction
Documents and publications

Les objectifs de ce projet étaient d’examiner comment le problème global des migrations environnementales/climatiques est défini au sein des institutions internationales, comment la question des migrations est intégrée au niveau local, soit comme

Documents and publications

The influence of climate change and perceptions of it on people’s migration decisions has received significant prominence, especially for people living on low-lying islands. To contribute to this literature, this paper uses Maldives as a case study for

As the Maldives contends with the threat of climate change, the country is creating a safer Greater Malé region by investing in risk reduction measures and developing regional centres to avoid overcrowding. Moreover, it is building fiscal resilience, providing safe drinking water and protecting the environment, and ensuring greater citizen engagement in DRR.
World Bank, the
Group photo of participants at the 2nd World Tsunami Museum Conference
Japan hosted the 2nd World Tsunami Museum Conference which attracted 156 participants from 17 countries to help raise awareness of tsunami risk.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Asia and Pacific
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Kobe Office

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