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Documents and publications

This Modernisation Plan is a description of the modernisation goals for Nicaragua's meteorological, hydrological and climate services and the results expected. Furthermore, the plan is a useful tool to manage the expectations of stakeholders and serves

Prolonged droughts and heavy rain have destroyed more than half of the maize and bean crops of the subsistence farmers along the Central American Dry Corridor, leaving 1.4 million people food insecure. Funds are needed to help strengthen the farmers’ resilience in the face of future climate-related events.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Headquarters
Nicaragua is preparing to face the effects of a major earthquake as part of the first National Multi-threats Exercise of the year, which also includes actions against volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. The coordination between the army, the police, the Red Cross, the fire department and the ministry of health will also be evaluated.
Prensa Latina, Agencia Informativa Latinoamericana, S. A.
Rice farm, Nepal
Research briefs
A new study shows how approaches using crowdsourced citizen science – in which farmers themselves are involved in scientific studies – improve and accelerate crop variety recommendations.
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
Documents and publications

This paper presents the gender disaggregated adoption and implementation patterns of different adaptation practices by rural communities in Tuma-La Dalia in Nicaragua.

The analysis considers gender differences in knowledge, sources of information and

Documents and publications

ACT Alliance developed this publication as a contribution to the growing need to understand the dual urgency of increasing the ambition to address climate change in the wake of its devastating impacts and to significantly increase the allocation of

El Complejo Volcánico de Masaya cuenta con su propio plan de respuesta a fin de que se pueda salvaguardar la vida de las familias que habitan en las zonas cercanas durante una posible erupción del coloso. El plan define rutas de evacuación, puestos de abastecimiento de agua, médicos y un protocolo de actuación.
Sistema Nacional para la Prevención, Mitigación y Atención de Desastres
Documents and publications

Tanto la región Centroamericana, como Nicaragua, presentan altos niveles de sensibilidad ante los diferentes estímulos climáticos tales como la frecuencia, simultaneidad, intensidad y alcance de múltiples amenazas, en particular las inundaciones, aumento

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