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Documents and publications
This research presents a methodology to extract relevant information from multiple sources post-event and a database building process that is applied to two contrasting estuaries in the Western European coastal area.
EFDRR in Matosinhos Portugal 25 November 2021
Press release
Governments across Europe and Central Asia have backed a roadmap towards preventing future disasters including new pandemics in the face of growing threats from climate change and disease outbreaks.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Europe & Central Asia
Documents and publications
É um documento que pretende auxiliar a elaboração de planos de evacuação para as zonas potencialmente ameaçadas por um tsunami.
Documents and publications
This contribution to the GAR Special Report on Drought 2021 is a case study on Guadiana. It focusses on the implementation of the EU WFD and EU Drought Policy; and transboundary cooperation in drought planning and management.
Documents and publications

This study investigated the potential for citizens developing “cultures of disaster preparedness”, which are informed by citizens' values and experiences rather than imposed from “above”. Based on previous research conducted during Citizen Summits in

The aim of the exercise is to assess the local action plans to respond, to increase preparedness for such events and to ensure good overall coordination.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Headquarters
Documents and publications

This report assesses the attribution of extreme events as it is a challenging science and one that is currently undergoing considerable evolution. In this paper are 19 analyses by 18 different research groups, often using quite different methodologies, of

Documents and publications

Flood risk management in urban areas adjacent to the coast is essential to increase their resilience. This study aims at improving scientific knowledge of flood risk alongside estuaries, considering different hazards and integrating estuarine and urban

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