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'There is renewed hope that next month in Qatar, countries can agree to act together to take positive action on climate change and embrace a new model of development, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions, builds resilience to climate change and delivers sustainable development for all'...
'The reciprocal relationship between environmental degradation and disaster risk has not been given enough attention by governments up until now. Disaster prevention taking 'green solutions' into account should become a fundamental part of international development negotiations', Alliance Director Mucke emphasized...
United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)
New York is the stage for a week of climate change debate starting at the United Nations General Assembly on Monday. The annual gathering brings together 123 world leaders, with a series of official and unofficial side events focusing on climate related issues...
Responding to Climate Change
Photo by  © Bread for the World  CC BY-NC 2.0
'Africa needs to focus on developing strong arguments for COP 18 and beyond based on clear evidence,' told climate change and finance expert, and chief executive of OneWorld, Belynda Petrie, told IPS...
Inter Press Service International Association
Documents and publications

This report, the first report in the UN-Habitat series on the state of cities to focus on the Arab world, highlights issues of environmental and natural disasters, risk and vulnerability, within a collective picture of urban conditions and trends in each

Photo by informatique CC BY-SA 2.0
Measures to improve regional food security by cutting food losses and waste and by mitigating and adapting to climate change will be considered by FAO's Regional Conference for the Near East...
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Headquarters
UNESCO's director of the Section for Disaster Reduction said, 'We are heading towards more natural disasters in the future, but greater scientific and technological know-how can help make societies better prepared to take care of people with disabilities during the response', reports the Gulf Times...
Gulf Times, Gulf Publishing & Printing Company (WLL)
by Flickr user Pedronet / Peter Creative Commons BY 2.0,
The State of Qatar and the Republic of Korea have agreed to closely cooperate to make the next major UN Climate Change Conference at the end of 2012 a success...
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

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