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Documents and publications
While ASEAN’s purposes and goals touch on various sectors, such as economics, culture, and industry, its member-states have also declared that, as a regional grouping, they will promote regional peace, stability, mutual assistance, and collaboration
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Documents and publications
This paper reports on the condition of the Basin in 2019, including its hydrology/water flow, flood and drought. The year saw recorded unprecedented flow conditions in the Mekong mainstream and from tributaries.
Wat Hong Thong located in a mangrove forest area , a temple on the sea , Bang Pakong District, Chachoengsao ,Thailand
Communities possess local experiences that allow them to adapt and respond to disasters. Knowledge exchange between the UK, Nepal and Thailand is helping researchers better understand and explore solutions to the risks facing these communities.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Asia and Pacific
Cover and title of publication
Documents and publications
This guide offers an operational understanding of both the country’s disaster management capability and information on demographics, hazards, infrastructure, laws and guidelines, risks and vulnerabilities, and other key areas.
Thailand Floating
The national government of Thailand and Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) have just operationalized a new early warning and hazard monitoring system called ThaiAWARE.
Pacific Disaster Center
This is the coverpage of the publication.
Documents and publications
The Social Impact Monitoring and Vulnerability Assessment (SIMVA) 2018 survey was undertaken by the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat with field surveys implemented by Member Countries.
Cover and source: Government of Thailand
Policies and plans
In this updated NDC, Thailand highlights its adaptation priorities emphasized in the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) with the aim to build adaptive capacity and enhance climate resilience in 6 priority sectors.
ASEAN State of Climate Change Report
Documents and publications
The ASEAN State of Climate Change Report (ASCCR) provides an overall outlook of the state of play of climate change issues in the ASEAN region.

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