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UNICEF's Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office and CDEMA signed a MoU to co-operate on the development of more resilient communities.
United Nations Children's Fund - The Americas and Caribbean Regional Office
A new learning paper by Acclimatise provides an insight on the lessons learnt from implementing Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness projects in the Caribbean.
Documents and publications

Acclimatise was commissioned to implement aspects of readiness support projects in Belize (2018 – 2019), The Bahamas (2018 – 2019) and Guyana (2016 – 2017), and prepare their country strategic frameworks. This support, as seen had three main objectives:

Policies and plans

Los Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de Honduras, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panamá, República Dominicana y el Viceprimer Ministro de Belize, ante la expansión del Coronavirus (COVID-19) a nivel global, declarado como pandemia por la Organización

Belize has partnered with the Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) to help advance its resilience-building and sustainability initiatives.
Pacific Disaster Center
A workshop by the Community Disaster Risk Reduction Fund informs communities in Southern Belize how climate change and disasters could impact their livelihood.
St Kitts-Nevis Observer, the
Documents and publications

This guidance note explores the key considerations for UNICEF country office staff when supporting child participation in local governance, with the focus on participation in local government structures and processes. The purpose of this note is to

Some communities in Belize are particularly at risk of forest fires: the frequency of fires is high and the nearest fire station is about 10 miles away. Community members have taken measures to protect themselves from the natural hazard. In addition to attending fire safety workshops, some residents built their homes with fireproof materials.
Caribbean News Service

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