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Con el objetivo de desarrollar un sistema de coordinación mesoamericano de información territorial entre usuarios y proveedores, en el cual la reducción de riesgos de desastres naturales sea un eje transversal del...
Sistema Nacional de Proteccion Civil - Panama
The project aims to enhance the Government of Guatemala's capacity to implement a disaster risk management program for natural hazard-related disasters...
World Bank, the
A regional workshop held in Guatemala last week aimed at raising awareness on the Central American initiative for a policy on an integrated management of risk...
Guatamalan Times, the
Documents and publications

With support from ProVention, IFRC and OAS developed a set of 6 non-technical manuals aimed at promoting community-based disaster risk reduction activities in the following fields:

  1. School Maintenance
  2. Disaster Mitigation of Rural Water Supplies
Documents and publications

This book seeks to provide the analytical tools needed to enhance national capacity for disaster response. The editors and authors begin with an overview that summarizes key lessons learned form the six country case studies in the volume. Next, they

Documents and publications

The general objective of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre is to reduce the vulnerability of people to the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events. To achieve this, the Climate Centre has developed a comprehensive approach. It

Documents and publications

On October 25, 1998, Hurricane Mitch, the fourth most intense Atlantic Ocean hurricane on record, slammed into the Central American coastline. This report compiled by the USGS compiles a wide variety of data and information in Guatemala including detailed

Documents and publications

As part of the U.S. Government’s program to assist Central America in the recovery from Hurricane Mitch, the USGS conducted a $14.15 million program of activities in Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala. This effort was designed to strengthen

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