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'It is an undeniable fact that if nothing is done towards building a culture of disaster risk reduction in our society we shall sadly be visited by disaster time and time again', said Adwoa Kluvitse, country director of ActionAid in Ghana...
The reconstruction programme gives priority to families whose homes were completely destroyed by the floods and has introduced a new technique for reinforcing foundations and making homes more resilient.
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
photo by Flickr user chris_wilson
"We realized that we still had a long way to go to be able to fully respond to a disaster of such a scale when it happens so abruptly." Jean-Luc Martinage spoke to Andrews Frimpong, Secretary General of the Ghana Red Cross Society.
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
Documents and publications

Submitted in preparation for the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, 2005, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan.

Documents and publications

The Convention opens an important new phase in the battle against desertification, but it is just a beginning. In particular, governments are regularly reviewing the action programmes. They also focus on awareness-raising, education and training, in both

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