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Press release
Leaders of ten cities – Bonn (Germany), Mexico City (Mexico), Saint-Louis (Senegal), Larreynaga-Malpaisillo (Nicaragua), Karlstad (Sweden), North Little Rock (Arkansas), Durban (South Africa), Davos (Switzerland), Port-au-Prince (Haiti), Santa Tecla (El Salvador) and Baofeng (China) and Albay (the Philippines) have now signed up to the new campaign "Making Cities Resilient: My City is Getting Ready campaign"...
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today highlighted the importance of disaster risk reduction in countering the challenges of climate change and attaining the ambitious goals of moving developing states out of poverty...
United Nations News Centre
Une étude a fait ressortir que les divers systèmes d'alerte permettent de réduire de 20% les dégâts en cas de catastrophe 'naturelle' majeure... - International Service of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation
Documents and publications

This document presents the current basic principles of the risk management of natural hazards in Switzerland. It acknowledges the considerable efforts made in the past few years on the road from conventional hazard protection to an integrated risk

On the occasion of the International Women's Day the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA) highlights womens' roles in delivering projects before, during and after disasters in Haiti and Chad...
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
Documents and publications

EEA report no. 8/2009:

This report analyses the risks that climate change presents to the water supply of the Alps, together with quality, needs identification, constraints, opportunities, policy levers and options for adaptation. It extracts policy

Documents and publications

Mobilizing, collecting and sharing information in crisis or risk situations, final report:

This document reports on a project aimed at studying the dissemination, collection and use of health information in risk and crisis situations. The research was

Samedi 9 janvier 2010 à Grimentz, Val d Anniviers, Suisse : Comportements dans le terrain, lecture d'un bulletin d'avalanche, matériel et recherche de victimes d’avalanches alterneront avec des runs hors-piste de qualité...
Freeday, the

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