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Educational materials

This illustrated booklet for 8-9 years' old children gives a definition of a tsunami or a tidal wave and advice on what to do whether on the beach, at home or at school. It ends with a drawing game for the youngsters, and a crossword puzzle as a tool to

Documents and publications
Documents and publications

This book, revised and reprinted in 2005, contains true stories that illustrate how to survive-and how not to survive-a tsunami. It is meant for people who live, work, or play along coasts that tsunamis may strike. Such coasts surround most of the Pacific

Documents and publications

This report provides a short overview on progress toward implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action highlighting:

1. National and regional context (risk);
2. A summary of the impact of initiatives on people and the economy, i.e. progress towards

Documents and publications

This paper asserts that there is no denying that air and water pollution lead to serious negative impacts on health and various economic goods and services, and addresses the valuation of these impacts. Recent advances in our understanding links to a)

Documents and publications

Inter-American Development Bank - sponsored system of disaster risk and risk management indicators presented at the World Conference on Disaster Reduction in Kobe, Japan. The indices estimate disaster risk loss, distribution, vulnerability and management

Documents and publications

The Convention opens an important new phase in the battle against desertification, but it is just a beginning. In particular, governments are regularly reviewing the action programmes. They also focus on awareness-raising, education and training, in both

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