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Documents and publications

This case-bound book draws upon experiences around the world reflecting how people are using climate information to improve their lives, through climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction strategies. In this book, over 100 authors are relating

Documents and publications

This book draws from the contributions to the international workshop on relations between natural hazards and management in Europe, which took place from 22 to 24 October 2002 in the Grande Arche, La Défense, Paris (France).

It first focuses on

Photo copyright Washington State Dept. of Transportation
A large part of the workshop will be dedicated to avalanche protection and risk management. Among technologies to be shown will be new portable sensors for recording avalanche flow properties...
WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF
The conference focuses on how humankind can benefit from advances in climate prediction and information services to manage climate-related risks as a way of developing resilience through adaptation and aims to identify requirements for a Global Framework for Climate Services...
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
The European Commission and the Global Risk Forum GRF Davos have signed an MoU to provide customer driven scientific and technical support for the conception, development implementation and monitoring of European Union policies...
Global Risk Forum
Documents and publications

This synthesis report summarises the main findings and recommendations of the two-volume expert report “Ereignis-analyse Hochwasser 2005” (Event Analysis: The Floods of 2005).

The flood of August 2005 represents a unique event in the context of recent

Speaking at the Global Platform for Disaster Reduction last week in Geneva, UNEP's Ibrahim Thiaw, called for greater integration of ecosystem management in climate change adaptation and disaster preparedness and response...
United Nations Environment Programme
"The rising dangers of climate change require a response from governments equivalent to the one made to address the global financial crisis," according to the chief executive of the world's Red Cross and Red Crescent body...
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

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