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When researchers began looking at efforts by a development charity to improve resilience to climate change among rural communities in Chad, they discovered that many of the women they interviewed talked not about climate risk as their biggest worry but instead about the widespread violence they and other women faced, which reinforces climate risk vulnerability.
Thomson Reuters Foundation,
The Sahara desert has expanded by 10 percent in the past century - partly because of climate change - with far-reaching impacts on communities surrounding it, researchers said on Thursday. Sudan, Chad, Mauritania and Libya are some of the countries which will bear the brunt of the desert's expansion, researchers at the University of Maryland said.
Thomson Reuters Foundation,
Documents and publications

This issue of Knowledge Matters starts with an overview of how Concern understands community resilience and goes on to share learning emerging from its programmes across the drylands of the Sahel and East Africa including Chad, Sudan, Niger, Kenya and

Documents and publications

This report examines examples of initiatives developed by state and non-governmental programmes in Chad to build resilience and fight against the processes that maintain exclusion and vulnerability. This report explores why it matters for development

Documents and publications

This case study reviews the main shocks and crises affecting the Sahel region of west Africa. It explores the regional approach to addressing a specific type of crisis, that of food insecurity, and whether and how social protection contributes to that

The impacts of climate change on Chad is already showing dire consequences as droughts and floods challenge the population's food security and livelihoods. On the ground, international agencies are working on planting more trees as well as strengthening education on environmental protection.
Thomson Reuters Foundation,
The Sendai Framework does not address conflict even though more than half of all lives lost in disaster occur in fragile states. One of the reasons given is that conflict is too political and contentious to be included, and that its inclusion would make it harder for countries to reach an agreement and make commitments.
Concern Worldwide
Documents and publications

This report looks at the political and institutional barriers – both real and perceived – to adapting disaster risk reduction (DRR) policy, practice and overseas development assistance to fragile or conflict-affected contexts.

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