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Implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action in the Arab Region - Regional Synthesis Report 2005–2015
Documents and publications

This report seeks to measure progress in the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) implementation in the Arab Region by synthesizing the outcomes of the HFA national progress reports submitted in the period 2005-2015 by 15 Arab countries.

The main goal of

ILO Emergency Employment after Haiyan CC BY 2.0
'Resilience and development are inextricably linked. When we invest in infrastructure, we have to invest not just for today but for the future, and that means building resilience into everything we do,' said Rachel Kyte, World Bank Group vice president and special envoy for climate change.…
World Bank, the
Documents and publications

This study provides an overview on disasters and conflicts in 57 Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member countries during the last four decades, including a review of disaster risk reduction strategies from The Yokohama Strategy to the Hyogo

by WorldBank
Countries in MENA have decided to change their approach to so-called natural disasters, understanding the benefits of being prepared for the weather or geological risks, rather than waiting for such events to strike and putting the pieces back together again...
World Bank, the
Policies and plans

This law provides for Djibouti’s national policy for the management of risks and disasters, and the planning and implementation processes.

Documents and publications

This scoping study addresses the need need for good humanitarian planning for the future, supported by the increasing awareness of climate change, and the development of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction as fields of expertise. It is

Policies and plans

A declaration by the Mayors and Local Government representatives together with National Government Officials emphasizing the importance of reducing disaster risk in Arab cities, in which the participants of the First Arab conference for disaster risk

The Board of Directors of the African Development Group has approved US $125 million in funding for the first phase of a drought resilience project and provision of long-lasting means of subsistence to populations in the Horn of Africa...
African Development Bank

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