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Documents and publications

National disaster management agencies in the Caribbean are overcoming challenges to the implementation of effective emergency preparedness and response systems. The Caribbean region is confronted with an increasing number of devastating storms and extreme

Documents and publications

The National Disaster Plan (2001) revised, is the latest revision of a draft plan that has been in existence since 1987. The format and content have been extensively modified to reflect up-to-date thinking and technologies relating to disaster management

UNICEF's Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office and CDEMA signed a MoU to co-operate on the development of more resilient communities.
United Nations Children's Fund - The Americas and Caribbean Regional Office
Documents and publications

To understand disaster risk better, and tackle it effectively and in a gender- and age responsive manner, it is important to delve into the complexities and inequalities in a given location, the differences within and between broad categories of women

Policies and plans

In response to the destruction of Hurricane Maria, in 2018, Dominica released a climate resilience policy framework to guide its recovery journey in the form of National Resilience Development Strategy 2030 (NRDS). The NRDS articulates the overall policy

The Office of Disaster Management (ODM) with UNDP, has created a suite of natural hazard awareness products, as part of the public education and awareness activities.
Dominica - government
Educational materials
Basic information on the main natural hazards that affects Dominica or could affect the island at some point.
As Dominica aims to become fully "climate resilient", a volunteer effort is keeping health centres operating through clean energy.
Thomson Reuters Foundation,

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