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Documents and publications

It is clear that a City Development Strategy is already a process that structures priorities in terms of development and growth; it is in this context climate change should not be considered a separate issue because it is recognized that good city

With climate change linked to failed crops in Central America, weather variability is interacting with and exacerbating existing issues that trigger migration.
Conversation Media Group, the
As climate change fuels more frequent and severe droughts, people in rural parts of Central America are struggling to feed their families and are migrating in response.
Thomson Reuters Foundation,
Prolonged droughts and heavy rain have destroyed more than half of the maize and bean crops of the subsistence farmers along the Central American Dry Corridor, leaving 1.4 million people food insecure. Funds are needed to help strengthen the farmers’ resilience in the face of future climate-related events.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Headquarters
The dominant media narrative that explains the reasons for current Central American migration to the United States concentrates on the dismal economic and security conditions across source states. However, those explanations don’t tell the whole story: drought linked with environmental degradation is an under-recognised factor that heavily influences migration.
Center for Climate and Security, the
Many local initiatives have grown out of the "Climate Resilient Cities in Latin America" effort and are now the basis for practical responses to climate change. To improve resilience, local authorities must openly share climate information and invite public input. Climate finance can also step up to fund projects, but gender equality must always be a priority.
Climate and Development Knowledge Network
Documents and publications

ACT Alliance developed this publication as a contribution to the growing need to understand the dual urgency of increasing the ambition to address climate change in the wake of its devastating impacts and to significantly increase the allocation of

Policies and plans
La Ley de Protección Civil, Prevención y Mitigación de Desastres, LPC, en el artículo 20 define que el Plan de Protección Civil, Prevención y Mitigación de Desastres, PNPC, tiene como objeto definir las acciones del Estado y de la sociedad civil.

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