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Documents and publications

Flood resilience review May 2015

This report provides a case study on the effects of the major floods that swept through the Balkan region in 2014 and the efforts that were undertaken to increase resilience in the Balkan region. In this context, the

'Building the country’s resilience to natural and man-made disasters has always been a focus of activity for UNDP,' said UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative Louisa Vinton. 'Earthquakes and other natural cataclysms can’t be avoided, but better preparedness and targeted investments can ensure they don’t turn into disasters...
United Nations Development Programme - Republic of North Macedonia
Documents and publications
The preparation of this National Progress Report has been undertaken within the framework of the 2013-15 HFA Monitoring and Progress Review process, facilitated by UNISDR and the ISDR partnership.
Documents and publications

This report is the result of a compendium undertaken as part of the ‘Building Resilience to Disasters in Western Balkans and Turkey’ project, initiated by United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) and the World Meteorological Organization

The earthquake insurance workshops were attended by over 100 participants.
A major step towards implementation of a disaster risk financing framework in South Eastern Europe has been taken with the completion of a first round of training workshops on new approaches to earthquake insurance last month.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Europe & Central Asia
Documents and publications

This detailed country report addresses the risks of climate change to agriculture in FYR Macedonia and identifies and prioritizes practical adaptation responses. It provides a menu of climate change adaptation options for the agriculture and water

Documents and publications

This volume presents a synthesis of the multi-country collaborative program of analytical and advisory activities titled Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change in European and Central Asian Agricultural Systems. The program has been a collaborative

'The adverse impacts of a changing climate are going to have serious effects in agriculture and water sectors. This would have an impact on food security, nutrition, and rural livelihoods, said William Sutton, World Bank's Lead Economist...
World Bank, the

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