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Documents and publications
The State of the Philippine climate (SPC) is an annual report that summarizes observations of the country’s climate and climate-related disasters.
A closeup of a seismograph machine needle drawing a red line on graph paper
Magnitude 6.8 and 7.4 earthquakes struck Mindanao Island in the last couple of weeks. The strong ground shaking caused significant structural damage, liquefaction, landslides, sea-level disturbance and tsunamis.
Cover and source: Conciliation Resources
Documents and publications
This paper is based on the experience of peace and climate change programming in the Bangsamoro, in the Philippines, Karamoja in Uganda, and Kashmir examining the junction of climate change and conflict.
National authorities MCR2030
Reducing disaster risk is seemingly never-ending in a country like the Philippines, which is exposed to a multitude of natural hazards.
Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030)
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Asia and Pacific
Documents and publications
This policy brief discusses the critical intersectionality of women, women with disabilities, and most specifically, d/deaf women, and their rights in the context of climate change and disaster risk reduction.
Documents and publications
This policy brief discusses the current policy landscape relating to the collection of data on persons with disabilities in the Philippines, and its importance in relation to climate action and governance.
Relief workers distribute rice in a warehouse in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan
On 8 November 2013, super Typhoon Haiyan left a trail of destruction in the Philippines. The 10-year anniversary of this event provides an opportunity to reflect on research related to post-disaster recovery.
Stockholm Environment Institute
A warning sign is set up to dissuade visitors from a liquefaction zone in Sulawesi
SM malls together with the Bureau of Fire Protection, Philippine National Police, and the local government unit’s disaster risk reduction council, gathered their employees,for the conduct of the simultaneous earthquake drill.
Cebu Daily News

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