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Documents and publications

This study assesses how trust and risk perception impacted the acceptance of government imposed COVID-19 measures in German-speaking Switzerland. The SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 has had a large impact on the lives of many people worldwide. The

Documents and publications

Since the end of the 1980s, average annual temperatures in the Espace Mont-Blanc (EMB) have risen between 0.2 and 0.5°C per decade. The rise in temperatures has primarily taken place in spring and summer. No significant trend has been observed in total

As climate change warms mountain regions, boulders and rocks which were long frozen into place are now being loosed and falling
Thomson Reuters
Documents and publications

This trend analysis examines artificial intelligence, digitalization, climate change. Many overarching trends and developments have the potential to alter the lives of billions of people in the coming years. For society, most of these trends represent

Documents and publications

In order to address residual risks and to reduce the damages from overload events, a combination of structural protection measures with additional, nonstructural measures is required. Based on data collected through a literature review, a questionnaire

Documents and publications

This swiss magazine is dedicated to a specific topic: scientific research on extreme events and environments. Its structure is divided in different articles related to extreme events.

  1. Thinking the unthinkable (p.4): extreme events are rare, but have
Documents and publications

This Risk and Resilience Report provides an overview of recent individual preparedness research. The report discusses a broad variety of indicators that can help to measure individual disaster preparedness and explores the data availability of these

Documents and publications

Subsurface technologies, such as geothermal energy and carbon capture and storage, are options to help limit global warming. Subsurface technologies involve the risk of induced seismicity. The successful implementation of these technologies depends on the

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