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Berne - L'Office fédéral de l'environnement (OFEV) a établi les cartes nationales des zones inondables avec Swiss Re. Il existe ainsi une autre possibilité de détecter les zones menacées d'inondation...
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment
Documents and publications
The preparation of this National Progress Report has been undertaken within the framework of the biennial 2007-09 HFA Monitoring and Progress Review process, facilitated by UNISDR and ISDR System partners.
A Policy Dialogue 'Disaster risk reduction: An essential contribution to inclusive education' will highlight outstanding achievements in promoting the recognition of disaster risk reduction education and school safety initiatives...
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Headquarters
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
United Nations Children's Fund (Global Headquarters, New York)
Policies and plans

This presentation was given at the Workshop on National Platforms at the International Disaster and Risk Conference (IDRC) in Davos, Switzerland, in August of 2008. This NP presentation includes information regarding: Background information about

Le Conseiller fédéral Moritz Leuenberger a rencontré le ministre chinois des eaux, Chen Lei. Les deux hommes sont convaincus que les deux pays peuvent tirer profit de leur coopération en matière de gestion des eaux et de prévention des dangers....
Switzerland - government
Press release
“What is happening in Switzerland and in Central Europe is a reminder that we are all vulnerable to natural disasters and that we should be constantly prepared to face them. Floods do not only happen in India or Sierra Leone, Europe can be badly affected
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Educational materials
This booklet was elaborated as "questions & answers" between a volcanologist and a volcano. It teaches children what a volcano is, the different types of volcanoes, and their level of risk.
'2008 is a terrible year. There have already been more victims than in the tsunami' said Salvano Briceño, head of the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Secretariat, based in Geneva....
Agence France Presse

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