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Documents and publications

This book deals with the role of plants in combating desertification. Desertification - the degradation of soils in drylands - is a phenomenon occurring in scores of countries around the globe. The number of people (in semiarid regions) affected by the

Documents and publications

PowerPoint presentation by Len Abrams, Senior Water Resources Specialist, Africa Water Resources.

Scoping mission January 2007:
- Identify hazards
- Assess status of DRR: policy, legislation, institutions, initial needs and
gaps, extent of mainstreaming

"This is why we should...respond to the coming crisis and further develop disaster preparedness activities,” said Peter Rees, Head of the International Federation Operations Support Department....
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
Documents and publications

Submitted in preparation for the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, 2005, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan. The report includes full text of the Disaster Preparedness and Relief Act, 1991 that provides for the institutional organization, functioning and

Documents and publications

Good practices and lessons learned, a publication of the “Global network of NGOs” for disaster risk reduction.

This publication is a joint effort of the Global Network of NGOs for Disaster Risk Reduction, an emerging network of national and international

Documents and publications

The study taking the 2002 food crisis in Malawi as its context and using evidence up to 2001: reassesses the economic consequences in Malawi and Southern Africa more generally of climatic variability in the light of experience such as the El Nino event in

Documents and publications

Southern Africa is one of the regions estimated to be most at risk
from climate change. While policy responses to global warming
have been mainly driven by debates among scientists, the insights
of poor people living on the frontline have been largely

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