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Documents and publications

From the 22nd until 27th August 2005, the northern Alpine region was hit by severe floods. The European Flood Alert System (EFAS), under development and running in pre-operational mode at the JRC since February 2003, forecasted these events in all river

Documents and publications

Snow avalanches represent the major natural hazard in Europe's mountain areas during the winter. Harsh, changing conditions regarding mainly snowfall and snowpack in these areas, coupled with the increase in winter sport activities, tourism and therefore

Documents and publications

Submitted in preparation for the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, 2005, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan.

Documents and publications
This document presents the proceedings of the special session which had two main themes in the context of the ICCROM/World Heritage Centre partnership, to promote the integration of the traditional knowledge systems into risk management strategies.
Documents and publications
This report is a compilation of case studies and grapples with the crucial question of merging disaster management education into the broader agenda of education for sustainable development.
Documents and publications
This proceedings includes inter alia the specific outputs of the meeting which included: an inventory of the relevant technical, legal and administrative measures already current in Europe.

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