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Documents and publications

Turkey experienced severe losses of life and infrastructure in 1999 caused by the August earthquake. The earthquake was followed by a period of economic and financial crisis, culminating in a major currency devaluation in February 2001. What has been the

Documents and publications
This Working Paper presents a cross-directorate report on the economic, budgetary, regulatory and urban policy implications of the earthquakes which struck the Marmara and Bolu areas of Turkey on 17 August and 12 November 1999. The earthquakes caused high casualties and significant material damage to property, with severe effects on economic activity. The Report traces the factors underlying Turkey’s vulnerability to earthquake damage, along a known active fault line, to deficiencies in risk identification procedures and risk-reduction methods, as well as to the absence of risk transfer and financing techniques. It suggests that these deficiencies may stem from the nature of recent Turkish economic development, which has been driven by the need to assimilate a mass migration from the countryside to the cities and has been associated with extremely high and variable inflation.
Documents and publications
A briefing on the implications of the Izmit Earthquake,Turkey, 1999.
Educational materials

This document reviews the school safety material production of Algeria, Iran, Turkey, India, Costa Rica, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, United States of America, as well as provided by some international initiatives and institutions, including textbooks

Documents and publications
This report provides tables with data and statistics documenting damage to infrastructure, an overview of response activities, and inventory of recovery and reconstruction efforts of Marmara Earthquake in 1999.
Documents and publications
Teaming up with representatives from the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the reconnaissance teams created this report to document a series of implications for earthquake risk reduction in the United States.
Documents and publications
National disaster law and policies, regional, bilateral and international agreements, declarations and regulations regarding the disaster response law in Turkey within the framework of the 1999-Marmara Earthquake are discussed in this study.
Documents and publications

The book contains the proceedings and background materials of the workshop organized by WBI and Marmara University under the same title. The workshop and the book was developed with the objective of addressing the specific issues and challenges that local

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