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Centroamérica no tiene herramientas para ayudar a los agricultores a mitigar las crisis climáticas, aunque ya hay iniciativas importantes a su disposición. A diferencia del seguro tradicional, un nuevo programa, Produce Seguro, compensa automáticamente a los agricultores en El Salvador después de recibir información satelital de posibles riesgos.
Inter Press Service International Association
The Green Climate Fund has approved RECLIMA, a new project that aims to improve the climate resilience of farming systems in El Salvador's Dry Corridor. The project will work with family farmers to transform their productive practices by boosting resilience and promoting the adoption of adaptation measures.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Headquarters
Drought has led to the loss of some 280,000 hectares of beans and maize in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, affecting the food security of more than 2 million people. Moreover, the possible arrival of an El Niño before the end of 2018 could exacerbate the precarious food and nutrition security of vulnerable rural communities.
World Food Programme
El Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales realizó ayer el lanzamiento del proyecto "Tsunami Ready," busca construir comunidades resilientes a través de estrategias de concienciación y preparación ante los tsunamis. Además, promueve la preparación entre entidades gubernamentales y locales de alerta y manejo de emergencias.
El Salvador - government
Documents and publications

Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) is the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall strategy to help people to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change and promote sustainable development. This report presents the results of

Documents and publications

Santa Ana es la segunda ciudad de El Salvador y necesita urgentemente prepararse para hacer frente a desastres y adaptarse a los retos que plantean la variabilidad y el cambio climático. Según el censo del 2015, tiene una población de más de 265.000

Policies and plans

The national climate change strategy offers specific guidelines for the definition, with the broadest participation of Salvadoran society, of specific sectoral strategies and plans that will form part of the first National Climate Change Plan. According

MiCRO has announced the launch of Produce Seguro in El Salvador, an index-based insurance product that protects low-income families against natural disasters. MiCRO’s product covers business interruption losses from excessive rainfall, severe drought and earthquakes, and its other products are expected to rapidly expand in Central America.
Micro insurance Catastrophe Risk Organisation

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