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Documents and publications
This report summarizes the risks posed on France's climate, ecosystems, food and water systems, and citizens by climate change, as well as the country's policies for mitigation, adaptation, and emissions reductions.
This image shows the first page of the publication.
Documents and publications
This solutions paper answers the question: what should the G7 do to better avert and respond to crises in order to reduce both human suffering and the overall cost of crisis response? The paper identifies three solutions that the G7 should initiate.
Cover and title of publication
Documents and publications
Despite persistent government efforts, the impacts of flood events in the Provence‑Alpes‑Côte d’Azur region have not lessened over time. Relative exposure to flooding has increased in France, apparently due to intense urbanization of flood-prone land.
The Massif des Maures in France has burned, and with it the Plaine des Maures nature reserve – one of the Mediterranean’s jewels of biodiversity, unique in all of Europe.
Conversation Media Group, the
New high-detail flood models are now available for France as part of our recent expansion to extend the coverage of FloodMap and FloodScore products into Western Europe.
Ambiental Technical Solutions Ltd
Documents and publications

This article discusses a new tool that can be used to map the benefits of nature in cities. Natural infrastructure such as parks, forests, street trees, green roofs, and coastal vegetation is central to sustainable urban management. Cities are uniquely

Documents and publications

Across the world, flooding remains the most frequent and most damaging natural risk. This technical report begins by exploring the reasons for this state of affairs: hydrological regimes, the existence of extreme events as part of a continuous

An abrupt rise in drought-induced subsidence losses in France – the result of socioeconomic factors?
Swiss Reinsurance Company (Swiss Re)

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