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Research briefs
Improvements are needed in both public and private schemes that can help encourage risk reduction behaviours and reduce losses in future disasters, a new study finds. The researchers suggest that focus needs to shift from an insurance point of view to the encouragement of risk reduction.
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Documents and publications

This report reviews the availability of data in Romania, to report against the indicators recommended to measure the global targets of the Sendai Framework, and identify current gaps.

Documents and publications
Romania's population and economy are exposed to earthquakes and floods, contribution with earthquakes posing the greater risk of a high impact, lower probability event
Meteoalarm uses simple colour coding and jargon-free explanations to help the public understanding real-time weather risks (Photo: Meteoalarm)
Rolled out in the wake of one of the deadliest storms to strike Europe in decades, the continent-wide weather information service Meteoalarm plays a life-saving role by raising public awareness of how to curb risks, and fosters international cooperation into the bargain.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Europe & Central Asia
Documents and publications

The ENHANCE project (Enhancing risk management partnerships for catastrophic natural disasters in Europe) analyses and develops new multi-sector partnernsips (MSPs) between public and private sectors, with emphasis on the financial sector. Analysing

Documents and publications

Natural Hazards, March 2016, pp. 1-21, doi:10.1007/s11069-016-2291-3:

This paper presents a common methodology for risk assessment and mapping for climate change-related hazards, developed within the EU-funded project SEERISK “Joint disaster management

Documents and publications

These guidelines are aimed to support the development and implementation of risk-based Drought Management Plans ([DMP) in the context of the European Union Water Framework Directive – as part of the River Basin Management Plans (RBMP).

The objectives of

Documents and publications
The preparation of this National Progress Report has been undertaken within the framework of the 2013-15 HFA Monitoring and Progress Review process, facilitated by UNISDR and the ISDR partnership.

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