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Morphology of Kick'em Jenny volcano, as revealed by a multi-beam survey by the NOAA Ship Ron Brown in March 2002. The survey shows that the modern cone of the volcano is nested within a larger horseshoe-shaped depression formed by slope failure. (Photo / NOAA)
The magnitude 4.0 earthquake recorded off the coast of Antigua on 11 May is "a warning that the Caribbean should prepare for a much more severe earthquake to come," says a leading expert.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean
Guyana faces the effects of climate change and has realised the increasing need for an efficient hydro-meteorological operating center and multi-hazard early warning systems which are important tools in disaster risk reduction management...
Guyana - government
Documents and publications

This document presents a review of current and planned adaptation action in South America, covering the following 12 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela. The review first

Documents and publications

This review provides an inventory of country-level adaptation activities and a summary of key adaptation priorities, based on documents like the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s National Adaptation Programs of Action and National Communications

Suriname by flickr user bartvanpoll, CC BY-SA 2.0,
The new agency aims to coordinate the country’s policies on climate change mitigation and adaptation and forest conservation, and help Suriname win international funding to help it deal with climate impacts and adopt a lower carbon development strategy, reports AlertNet. The report highlights neighbouring Guyana, with funding from Norway, as another example...
Thomson Reuters Foundation,
Documents and publications

The preparation of this Regional Progress Report has been undertaken within the framework of the biennial 2009-11 Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) Monitoring and Progress Review process, facilitated by UNISDR and ISDR System partners.

The progress report

Following the devastating tsunami that struck Japan, 33 countries are preparing to participate on 23 March in the first full-scale simulated tsunami alert exercise in the Caribbean. The goal is to test the Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions...
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Headquarters
Policies and plans


This plan aims at guiding the work of the Association of Caribbean States for the next five years, as the body for consultation, cooperation and concerted action for disaster risk reduction in the Greater Caribbean.

It was

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