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Documents and publications

This publication focuses on the importance of education in disaster prevention and makes recommendations on how to support and build on local and national initiatives to reduce the risk of disasters through education. It provides a brief overview of major

Documents and publications

This document presents a review of current and planned adaptation action in Central Asia. It first provides an overview of adaptation action at the regional level, highlighting commonalities and differences between the following countries: Kazakhstan

Documents and publications

This review provides an inventory of country-level adaptation activities and a summary of key adaptation priorities, based on documents like the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s National Adaptation Programs of Action and National Communications

Documents and publications

This publication focuses on the importance of education in disaster prevention and makes recommendations on how to support and build on local and national initiatives to reduce the risk of disasters through education. It provides a brief overview of major

Documents and publications

This document addresses preparedness as an important investment against natural and man-made disasters. Through good practices, it urges the humanitarian community, governments and regional bodies to use preparedness thinking to be aware of risks, to

'Much remains to be done since the risks remain very significant for all five countries in Central Asia and for many segments of their populations,' UNDP adviser Johannes Linn reports on the third Central Asia Regional Risk Assessment meeting recently held in Almaty. More on risk in Central Asia at the Global Platform...
Brookings Institution, the
Documents and publications

The Water and Nature Initiative's (WANI) latest toolkit publication provides an overview of the world's shared water resources and insights for managing these resources. Using case studies from around the world, it describes the benefits to be gained from

Writing for the Brookings Institution, Johannes F. Linn, Director of the Wolfensohn Center for Development, stresses the need for national and international attention and action on developing better risk reduction, preparedness and response in the region...
Brookings Institution, the

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