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A professor from An-Najah National University together with the Vice President of the National Authority for Disaster Risk Mitigation in Palestine have participated in a workshop on disaster risk reduction. The workshop discussed the seven goals and the four working priorities of the Sendai Framework, and their relation to sustainable development in the Arab region.
An-Najah National University
The United Arab Emirates is participating in the International Day for Disaster Reduction this year with the slogan "Home Safe Home". The aim of the event is to strengthen the global culture of disaster prevention and to deal with the situation and its consequences efficiently.
Thomson Reuters
Documents and publications

This report aims to improve awareness and understanding of the risks posed by climate change among public and private sector policymakers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It provides findings and recommendations to catalyse action, increase the

Chairman of Pakistans NDMA, Major General Asghar Nawaz, emphasized the importance of long-term solutions for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, efforts that can be initiated transboundary between the Heart of Asia Countries. He further stated that Pakistan will work together with HoA member countries and its regional partners...
United Nations Development Programme - Pakistan
Climate change is bringing small risks that tropical cyclones will form in the Persian Gulf for the first time, in a threat to unprepared cities such as Dubai or Doha, a US study said on Monday, reports the Guardian. The shallow and warm waters of the Persian Gulf, where cyclones have never been recorded, might generate the storms in future as a side-effect of global warming...
Guardian, the (UK)
Documents and publications

This technical summary of the Arab Sustainable Development Report aims to provide an abridged overview of key points and recommendations drawn from the full report, focusing on: (i) the science-policy interface and evidence-based policy in the Arab region

Documents and publications

This brief gives an overview of the disaster trends and challenges across the Arab region, with a special emphasis on infrastructure, informal settlements, climate change, and cross-cutting issues such as governance, inclusiveness, decentralization and

Documents and publications

This report aims to contribute to a better understanding of the impact of disasters in the Arab states. The study provides an assessment, interpretation and visualization of ten national disaster loss databases from the region (i.e.: Comoros, Djibouti

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