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Documents and publications
The preparation of this National Progress Report has been undertaken within the framework of the biennial 2007-09 HFA Monitoring and Progress Review process, facilitated by UNISDR and ISDR System partners.
Documents and publications

El objetivo de este manual técnino es presentar, a través de una serie de figuras, una téecnica sencilla de reforzamiento que permita retarder el colapso de las viviendas de adobe existentes en la región andina, cuando éstas se vean sujetas a terremotos

Policies and plans

This presentation was given at the Workshop on National Platforms at the International Disaster and Risk Conference (IDRC) in Davos, Switzerland, in August of 2008. This NP presentation includes information regarding: Background information about Peru

Documents and publications

Examples of school retrofitting in Peru.

Documents and publications

This publication highlights roles that grassroots women are playing in building resilient communities and insights emerging from resilience building efforts led by grassroots women in Peru, Jamaica, Honduras, Turkey, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India.


Documents and publications

For the first time, twenty-three United Nations agencies and convention secretariats have combined their efforts and expertise to produce a collective World Water Development Report, offering a global overview of the state of the world’s freshwater

Documents and publications

This publication seeks to highlight initiatives that have successfully linked poverty reduction and disaster risk reduction in various parts of the world. It features several projects and initiatives that show how DRR can be integrated into poverty

Educational materials

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