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'Today it is possible to protect health facilities from such adverse events with current knowledge and a strong commitment and even with limited resources in developing countries such as Fiji' said Joe Singh...
Fiji Times
Photo by Hank LeClair, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
The Pacific Disaster Net is a web-based portal that will help to link disaster management specialists and resources throughout the Pacific region....
Secretariat of the Pacific Community
'The week also provides the opportunity to strengthen the partnership arrangements involving relevant government agencies, the private sector, civil societies and the community in general on disaster preparedness,' said Ratu Epeli Ganilau Interim Minister for Defence, National Security and Immigration....
Fiji Daily Post
'Schools are also centres for learning and spreading disaster risk reduction awareness in the community' said state official Manasa Vaniqi....
Fiji Times
The 14th Regional Disaster Managers' Meeting, convened in Nadi, recognizes the importance of sharing experience among the Asian countries in order to build a south-south partnership in disaster reduction....
Pacific Magazine, TransOceanic Media
Documents and publications

This assessment reviewed forecasts and impacts of the 1997-98 El Niño, as well as the climate-related early warning and natural disaster preparedness systems in the following locations in order to improve their ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation) and

The Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) in conjunction with key Solomon Islands personnel, a team of experts from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (the Bureau), and Emergency Management Australia (EMA) carried out a week long assessment of the Solomon Island’s tsunami warning and mitigation system early February 2008...
Secretariat of the Pacific Community

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