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Documents and publications

This Resource Guide seeks to assist water professionals, politicians, gender specialists and others in their efforts to provide improved access to water for poor women, children and men all over the world.

The initial Resource Guide was launched during

Documents and publications

The aim of this report is to encourage national and donor governments to develop and improve their disaster risk reduction legislation. This summary contains four sections covering: an analysis of existing disaster risk reduction legislation; the building

Documents and publications

Submitted in preparation for the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, 2005, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan.

Documents and publications

This publication provides 35 good practices and lessons learned as concrete examples of how to make children safer in their classrooms and educate them about disasters.

Documents and publications

A fully illustrated book Real Risk offers perspectives, case studies and analysis on disaster risk reduction and mitigation in the light of major natural disasters that have occurred since the publication of Know Risk in early 2005. It brings together the

Documents and publications

Today the world is facing a greater water crisis than ever. Droughts of lesser magnitude are resulting in greater impact. Even in years with normal precipitation, water shortages have become widespread in both developing and developed nations, in humid as

Policies and plans
The national disaster management framework comprises four key performance areas (KPAs) and three supportive enablers required to achieve the objectives set out in the KPAs.
Policies and plans
This act provides for an integrated and coordinated disaster management policy in South Africa that focuses on preventing and reducing the risk of disasters, mitigating the severity of disasters.

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Risk reduction how-to

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