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Documents and publications

The objectives of the DITTY project are to develop scientific bases for sustainable development of Southern European lagoons taking into account all the activities that affect the aquatic environment. Five sites have been identified ranging from the Ria

Documents and publications

This report talks about interactions between natural disasters and simultaneous technological accidents. It aims to provide an overview of the natech problem, and to present the state of the art in natech risk management. The report identifies the main

Documents and publications

This presentation has been composed as part of the FLOODsite project of the European Commission. The presentation provides maps along with data and statistics on flooding in France. The presentation also discusses the French mitigation strategy

Documents and publications

The Joint research centre aims to develop knowledge and tools in support of the EU climate change strategy. In view of this, an important research topic of the Land management unit of the IES is to assess the impact of climate change on the occurrence of

Documents and publications

Extreme weather events are those events which society is unable to cope with. They are by definition rare stochastic events. Europe has experienced on unprecedented rate of extreme weather events in the last 30 years. Heat waves occurred in France, Italy

Documents and publications

Les avalanches sont, en France, les catastrophes naturelles les moins meurtrières et les accidents majeurs sont aujourd’hui exceptionnels. En revanche le nombre annuel de victimes individuelles est  élevé (en moyenne une trentaine), en raison des

Documents and publications

Snow avalanches represent the major natural hazard in Europe's mountain areas during the winter. Harsh, changing conditions regarding mainly snowfall and snowpack in these areas, coupled with the increase in winter sport activities, tourism and therefore

Documents and publications

Environment Working Papers no. 1. - ENV/WKP(2007)1
This report is part of an OECD project on cities and climate change. A priority of this project is to explore the city-scale risks of climate change and the benefits of both (local) adaptation policies

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