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Run by the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) and Fire and Rescue Department ,the pilot project is introducing the concept of community-based disaster risk management to 177 members of the community in order to help them better identify, assess and manage disaster risk...
Brunei Times, the
The Minister of Home Affairs, Pehin Orang Kaya Johan Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awg Hj Adanan has called on the relevant agencies to carry out flood mitigation activities in preparation for the forecast of heavy rains and potential flash floods...
The 'Asean Cooperation Project: Training for Trainers' programme being held this week in Brunei by the National Disaster Management Centre and the Asian Disaster Reduction Centre is intended to build the capacity of senior officers in various sectors in the field of disaster management...
Brunei Press SDN
'Our new strategy includes an integrated, multi-hazard approach to disaster risk reduction, factored into policies, planning and programming...'
Brunei Times, the

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