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Documents and publications

The current outbreak of Ebola in eastern DR Congo, beginning in 2018, emerged in a complex and violent political and security environment. Community-level prevention and outbreak control measures appear to be dependent on public trust in relevant

According to the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), the country is still at risk of another Ebola outbreak because of the ongoing epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and is therefore still making efforts to improve its preparedness.
Guardian, the (NG)
South Sudan has made efforts to improve their long-term preparedness for epidemic outbreaks, for example by constructing a public health emergency operations centre. In addition to infrastructure and new equipment, South Sudan is also training its emergency responders in topics like infection prevention and control, surveillance and screening.
World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa
The two-day meeting, which is attended by delegates from various African nations, is intended to further engage partners for better coordinated and comprehensive preparedness and response efforts to accelerate and achieve sustained Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) readiness.
World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa
Development has traditionally focused on promoting economic growth and reducing poverty, rather than helping countries manage complex risks, root causes and crises. There is a broad agreement that this approach is not well-suited to fragile states, and a new model called "fragility to resilience" is emerging.
Citizen, the - Mwananchi Communications Limited
As Congolese refugees potentially exposed to Ebola stream across Uganda's borders, the WHO has engaged refugee leaders in Kampala for public health action. This engagement has mobilised leaders to attend information sessions and gain valuable risk reduction knowledge they can disseminate within their refugee communities.
World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa
Documents and publications

In this ‘Social Science in Epidemics’ series, different aspects of past disease outbreaks are reviewed in order to identify social science ‘entry points’ for preparedness and response activities. This brief draws out some recommendations for Ebola

Documents and publications
This climate change profile is a comparison of climate change vulnerability and adaptive capacity in four countries of the East African Great Lakes Region.

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