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An abrupt rise in drought-induced subsidence losses in France – the result of socioeconomic factors?
Swiss Reinsurance Company (Swiss Re)
Documents and publications

Since the end of the 1980s, average annual temperatures in the Espace Mont-Blanc (EMB) have risen between 0.2 and 0.5°C per decade. The rise in temperatures has primarily taken place in spring and summer. No significant trend has been observed in total

One of the outcomes of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change back in 2015 was a pledge from the rich countries to provide USD 100 billion a year, starting from 2020.
International Centre for Climate Change and Development
The plant will serve around 400,000 people living in Hebron City and along Wadi As-Samen in Hebron Governorate and will pave the way to treated water reuse for agricultural purpose.
Agence Française de Développement
Documents and publications

The authors studied the climate-sensitive socia protection (SP) programmes and policies that incorporate extreme temperature events from three high-income countries: the United States of America, the United Kingdom and France. Through case studies and key

Documents and publications

This article analyses the scope for individual adaptation to flood risk in the South of France. We collected data concerning the implementation of individual adaptation measures and the willingness to pay for individual and collective measures in a survey

The Paris museum is relocating many artworks not on display to a storage facility in northern France designed to stand up to global warming impacts
Thomson Reuters Foundation,
Météo-France a produit de nouvelles projections climatiques de référence en France. Il permet de mieux anticiper et de s’adapter.
Meteo France

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