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Documents and publications

The project ‘Strengthening resilience and coping capacities in the Caribbean through integrated early warning systems’ was aimed at reducing the vulnerability of communities facing multiple hazard risks in Caribbean small islands. This goal was achieved

Saint Lucia will soon participate in CARIBEWAVE19, a regional tsunami response exercise. Divided into three phases and involving a range of stakeholders, the exercise will mainly test the island's early warning systems and evacuation procedures. CARIBEWAVE19 will also help agencies determine their operational readiness and identify their strengths and weaknesses.
St. Lucia Times
Documents and publications

The objective of this report is to make recommendations for the Government of Saint Lucia (GoSL) for the formulation of a country-specific comprehensive disaster risk finance (DRF) strategy, based on the assessment of the legislative, financial management

Now, with images and machine learning, experts can identify homes in need of retrofitting and structural adjustments, saving months of work and labour while facilitating risk reduction measures before disasters. Machine learning has also proven beneficial in improving disaster migration practices and post-disaster needs assessments.
World Bank, the
Cover and source: Government of Saint Lucia
Policies and plans
Saint Lucia’s NAP is a 10-year process consisting of a plan with key cross-sectoral and sectoral adaptation measures presented in this document for eight sectors and areas.
Documents and publications

Over the past 30 years in the Caribbean, floods and tropical storm damage affected 1.5 million people directly and caused over USD 5 billion in damage. The increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events stress societies and natural systems

Documents and publications

The Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean (CRAIC II) project aims to refine, revive and upscale the Livelihood protection policy (LPP) - (launched in phase I) by making it affordable, valuable and reachable in the Caribbean region. The

Policies and plans

This act provides the legal basis for disaster management in Saint Lucia. This includes the establishment of the National Emergency Management Organisation and the National Emergency Management Advisory Committee for disaster management planning and

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