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Documents and publications

This is the third edition of the Suffering in Silence report. The aim of this report is to highlight those humanitarian crises in 2018 that, though large, have received little public attention. In the final section, it also addresses the question of how

The FAO has warned that rains and cyclones triggered a recent surge in Desert Locust populations, causing an outbreak to develop in Sudan and Eritrea that is rapidly spreading to Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Given the major threat these swarms pose to crop production and livelihoods, countries are using aerial and ground control methods to curb damages.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Headquarters
Cover and source: Government of Sudan
Policies and plans
This National Drought Plan (NDP) is a nationwide sectoral document aiming at enhancing livelihoods capacities and strengthen resilience of communities at risk of drought, and emergency preparedness.
Documents and publications

This report presents a synthesis of project-level final evaluations, carried out after three years of implementation of the BRACED programme. Using evidence provided by implementing partners, this report examines the following central synthesis evaluation

Documents and publications

The Food Security Climate Resilience (FoodSECuRE) Facility is a multilateral, multiyear, replenishable fund being developed by WFP to financially and programmatically support community centred action to reinforce and build climate resilience. It

Documents and publications

The purpose of this publication is to detail lessons learned from UNDP’s Climate Change Adaptation work and achievements in the Arab region on achieving sustainable and lasting results. Some lessons include building local capacity at all levels to ensure

According to a new report, 1.1 billion people around the world face immediate risks from lack of access to cooling. Access will be more important in the future as climate change impacts amplify. Solutions are complex, because cooling requires energy, and increased cooling from fossil fuel energy drives climate change, which will make cooling even more important.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
The Security Council, convening to discuss the nexus between climate change and conflicts around the globe, considered several concrete proposals to guide the 15-member organ’s efforts — or those of other United Nations entities — on that evolving and increasingly critical issue.
United Nations - Headquarters

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