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Documents and publications

En 2018, la Suisse a essuyé une nouvelle fois un été exceptionnellement chaud. Avec une température moyenne de 15,3 °C pour les mois de juin, de juillet et d’août, ce fut le troisième été le plus chaud depuis le début des mesures en 1864, après ceux de

SLF researchers are conducting field trials with an industrial partner to optimise the effectiveness of rockfall nets.
WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF
As Switzerland’s glaciers melt, dangerous rockfalls become more likely and towns are forced to live under an existential threat.
Guardian, the (UK)
Ein Testversuch der SBB, Bahnschienen weiss anzustreichen um dessen Verbiegung bei Hitze vorzubeugen, ist erfolgreich verlaufen.
Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
Documents and publications

Switzerland’s contemporary threat and risk landscape has changed in recent years. Indeed, the risks that now draw the attention of experts and policymakers now include cyber-attacks, pandemics, terrorist attacks and blackouts. But which risks do the Swiss

Documents and publications
The new permafrost and ground ice map (PGIM) developed by SLF helps evaluate local and regional permafrost distribution.
The Swiss Rhaetian Railway is implementing an Italian method of painting train tracks white to decrease the distorting effects of heat on metal. - International Service of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation
New research warns that a nuclear accident in Switzerland could kill over 30,000 people and affect up to 24 million people in Europe. - International Service of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation

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