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Documents and publications

This paper proposes a methodology to examine the potential of existing National Agriculture and Food Security Investment Plans NAFSIPs to generate climate change benefits. A rapid screening methodology is presented and applied to 14 NAFSIPs, all of which

by Flickr user raph.v / Raphaël V. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0,
En date du 20 décembre, un courrier officiel de la Banque informe les autorités togolaises de sa décision d’accorder quatre dons d’un montant total de 16,95 millions de dollars en faveur du 'Projet de Gestion intégrée des catastrophes et d'aménagement du territoire.'...
TOGO République Togolaise,
Une rencontre réunissant des journalistes et communicateurs concernant es normes de communication en situation d'urgence se tient actuellent à Lomé d'après Afriquinfos...
'So you cannot even draw up an adaptation strategy, as we are not certain about what we need to adapt to…the goal post will keep changing.' A framework is needed to plan a strategy for the better management of water, and make countries and people more resilient...
The New Humanitarian
A four-year pilot project involving 15 West African countries has trained 5 700 subsistence farmers – including 1 000 rural women - in how to access and use weather and climate information to maximize yields and minimize risks...
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Ministre Ekoué, a rappelé que le gouvernement avait mis en place des mécanismes de prévention et de gestion des catastrophes considérés comme des avancées majeures par rapport à d’autres pays africains. Toutefois, l’argent manque, selon le rapport...
TOGO République Togolaise,
Documents and publications

This report focuses on results achieved from 27 participating countries in the fourth year of the Education in Emergencies and Post-Crisis Transition (EEPCT) programme developed to rapidly restore quality education while 'building back better' in

Documents and publications

This is the 2nd edition of the Disaster Risk Management Program for Priority Countries, originally published by GFDRR in 2009. It now includes the country programmes missing in the first edition (Burkina Faso, Malawi, Mali, Senegal, and Philippines, as

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