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Photo by Flikr user, John Hanley Jr., Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic
State agencies and local governments across Oregon are working together to prepare for potential disaster and learning from the past...
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Aiding storm preparedness by automatically integrating National Weather Service 24-hour forecasts and including new interactive maps to help users create realistic scenarios in their communities...
Press Release News Wire
A study suggests that extreme weather events in the Arctic will become more common as the winter ice cover retreats, with potentially severe consequences for human activity...
Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
Documents and publications

A practical advice from well prepared CIOs of Gulf Coast companies.

This guide outlines the top ten actions a corporate information officer can take to prepare its organization within a hurricane impact zone. Here are the points in brief:

1. Provide a

Documents and publications

This map illustrates population density within and outside of a 10m Low Elevation Coastal Zone: Eastern United States of America.
Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University. (2007).

Country-level estimates of

The redesigned UN-Water website is hoped to contribute in a meaningful way to global efforts to reach the water and sanitation targets set out in the Millennium Development Goals and the World Summit on Sustainable Development...
'The information we’ll gain by assessing the events from the 2008 hurricane season will help us do an even better job in the future,' said Bill Read, director of NOAA's National Hurricane Center. 'With this season behind us, it’s time to prepare for the one that lies ahead.'
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
'To mitigate possible public safety issues, it is vital that we better understand extreme space weather events caused by the sun's activity' said Richard Fisher, NASA Headquarters in Washington...
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

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