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Documents and publications

Cities & citizens, bridging the urban divide, study 1:

This book addresses the serious challenges for good governance and urban leadership faced by São Paulo, and especailly illegal settlements, often located in high risk areas prone to collapse

Documents and publications

Good practice in action:

This publication outlines good practices, providing practical case studies of successful disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation and mitigation projects implemented by ACT members or their partners around the world

Policies and plans

Law no. 12,187, of 29th December 2009:

This law institutes the National Policy on Climate Change - PNMC (Política Nacional sobre Mudança do Clima) and establishes its principles, objectives, directives and instruments.

Historically, socially and economically, drylands have been key regions for global sustainability. This message must be communicated to the global community at the second International Conference on Climate Change, Sustainability and Development in the Semi-arid Regions (ICID 2010) in August, said its director...
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
Documents and publications

This book presents diverse case studies from around the World, including many Asian countries, Africa, North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, Island Nations, and elsewhere.

The book's 39 chapters are organized according to seven interrelated

Documents and publications

This document includes brief case studies which identify “natural solutions”, which are often an essential contribution to cost effective climate change adaptation and mitigation. They emphasize the role of natural systems for regulating water flow

Documents and publications

In Spanish:

Este libro recoge los resultados principales de la investigación realizada por el proyecto “Gestión de Riesgos de Desastre ENSO en América Latina”, que ha girado desde el principio en las dimensiones humanas y los procesos de construcción

Photo by Flickr user, Them Boxes, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic
A new climate change report from development think-tank CGD lists 20 cities where the greatest number of people will be at the greatest risk from sea level rise and storm surges in the developing world...
The New Humanitarian

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