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Documents and publications

This is the third edition of the Suffering in Silence report. The aim of this report is to highlight those humanitarian crises in 2018 that, though large, have received little public attention. In the final section, it also addresses the question of how

Face aux conséquences des aléas climatiques, Caritas International Belgique et des partenaires ont mis en œuvre un programme en Mongala pour contribuer à l’atténuation des effets des catastrophes hydrauliques et autres dangers. Le programme a aussi diversifié les sources d’alimentation et les revenus des ménages. Ce fut un succès mais il reste du travail à faire.
Caritas Internationalis
Documents and publications

This collection of case studies looks at practices that support the meaningful participation of women in resilience initiatives while also addressing structural inequalities.

Oxfam defines resilience as ‘the ability of women and men to realize their

With social conventions fuelling Ebola's disproportionate impact on Congolese women, the World Bank and Collectif des Associations Feminines have conducted a risk management and information campaign in 30 Beni neighbourhoods. By using local female leaders to disseminate information, the project has made gains in sensitizing community members.
World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa
As the Ebola outbreak spirals in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Uganda and the DRC have resolved to increase cross-border surveillance on both sides of their shared border. In addition to harmonizing data collection tools, both countries will intensify risk communication and community engagement to increase public awareness.
World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa
Research briefs
A new report by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs warns that close to three in five cities worldwide with at least 500,000 inhabitants are at high risk of a disaster. Collectively, these cities are home to 1.4 billion people or around one third of the world’s urban population.
United Nations News Centre
Documents and publications

Cette publication, numéro 109 de la série produisent par l'Organization Internationale de la Francophonie, couvre les catastrophes, les changements climatiques, les efforts de reconstruction et les leçons apprises dans divers pays francophones, tout en

Documents and publications

The goal of this framework is to provide an overview of how RCCE resources and activities need to be prepared for across different response pillars among provinces and countries neighbouring North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo. 

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