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A landmark project for Peru kicks off the execution of the IDF, UNDP and BMZ Tripartite Agreement to increase resilience for countries vulnerable to climate change.
Insurance Development Forum
Documents and publications

In this study, the authors explore the potentials and shortcomings of national laws in managing flood risk and increasing flood resilience in the context of climate change. They analyze 139 laws from 33 countries collected from the Climate Change Laws of

Theodor Borrmann
The pandemic has tragically amplified the structural problems of the region, and is threatening to destroy whole peoples and communities.
Documents and publications

This research in Peru explores the interaction between gender and flood early warning systems, extracting key findings, and distilling a checklist for gender-aware, -sensitive, and -transformative early warning systems.

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Documents and publications

Countries are faced with the growing challenge of managing increasing risks from climate change and climate variability, putting development and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals at risk. The adoption in 2015 of the Sendai Framework for

Documents and publications

Empirical evidence shows that acting on early warnings can help humanitarian organizations reduce losses, damages and suffering while reducing costs. This paper explores the application of the valuation approach ('value of information') to select which

COVID-19 could accentuate already existing inequalities in Peru. The country must look towards into indigenous world and implement specific and necessary actions.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
As climate change hits Andean glaciers, bringing water shortages, Quechua sisters are building traditional reservoirs to harvest rain.
Thomson Reuters Foundation,

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