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Documents and publications

This review provides an inventory of country-level adaptation activities and a summary of key adaptation priorities, based on documents like the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s National Adaptation Programs of Action and National Communications

'The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States is developing a harmonised protocol ensuring that all general Disaster Management components are considered including environmental and gender issues', said one participant, a 26-year disaster management specialist...
SKNVibes, Inc.
A call for tourism dependent nations in the Caribbean to examine better ways of planning for disasters in the region has been made at the launch of a National Stakeholders Meeting and Regional Monitoring and Evaluation System for Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in the Caribbean Tourism Sector...
Daily Observer, Observer Publications Limited
Eighteen countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have agreed to tighten up on school safety while also integrating disaster risk reduction into the school curriculum, following high-level talks on education in Panama City.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean
To mark the International Day for Disaster Reduction (IDDR), the Nevis Disaster Management Department (NDMD) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education has organized an essay and poster competition within the schools...
Nevis Pages Limited
'Schools can be an important catalyst in the overall risk reduction agenda and what this project aims to do is to develop a toolkit to move the process of knowledge enhancement forward,' said Dr. Balfour Spence...
SKNVibes, Inc.
Documents and publications

This brochure presents the products combining risk reduction and insurance for low income groups such as small-holding farmers and day labourers that will be designed and implemented by the Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean programme

Documents and publications
Brief overview of the disaster risk management (DRM) strides made in several Latin America and the Caribbean Region countries to date. It includes a set of country notes organised by country priority levels determined by the GFDRR.

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