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Policies and plans

This strategic framework aims to strengthen the role of the MALFF as a partner in disaster risk reduction and suggests priority actions and entry points for DRR interventions in the agricultural sectors. It was developed through an interactive

In light of widespread hurricane damage, Caribbean countries are implementing the Integrating Water, Land and Ecosystems Management in Caribbean Small Island Developing States Project, which involves developing national sub-projects at specific sites in order to enhance livelihood opportunities and socio-economic co-benefits for targeted communities.
Inter Press Service International Association
Documents and publications
The profile summarizes how climate change will potentially impact six key sectors across the region: coastal resources, human health, water resources, tourism, fisheries, and agriculture.
With hurricane season approaching, one solution to dealing with risks involves incorporating disaster risk management principles into development planning by identifying the countries’ disaster risk, working to reduce this risk, actively preparing for disasters, implementing disaster risk financing mechanisms, and reconstructing in resilient ways.
Understanding Risk
Policies and plans

This document outlines a project led by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office to support the OECS to develop, prepare to implement, and finance an Eastern Caribbean Climate Change Implementation Plan. The project considers both mitigation and adaptation

The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre and representatives from the Governments of Italy and Saint Lucia held meetings this week to discuss the development of an early warning system for the island. The system would forecast the potential effects of national disasters, and provide flood mapping and other necessary information to aid decision-making.
Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre
The World Bank team was in Saint Lucia to undertake a rooftop inventory using GIS techniques and drone imaging. A general assessment of roofs in the country is of paramount importance, given the forecast for stronger hurricanes due in large measure to a change in the global climate.
St. Lucia News Online
Policies and plans

The aim of this Climate Change Adaptation Policy (CCAP) is to foster and guide a national process of addressing the short, medium and long term effects of climate change in a co-ordinated, holistic and participatory manner in order to ensure that, to the

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