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Documents and publications

For the first time since monitoring of tropical cyclones began a tropical storm in the South Atlantic reached a force of Category 1 on 26th March, 2004. By the 28th it had strengthened to Category 2, when it reached Santa Catarina Province of Brazil. Even

Desastres como enchentes e secas são comuns no país e causam prejuízos de milhões. Apesar disso, somente 2% do dinheiro destinado ao 'Programa de Prevenção e Preparação para Emergências e Desastres' foram gastos este ano pelo Governo federal...
Contas Abertas
photo by Flickr user Fábio Pinheiro, creative commons attribution-noncommercial-no-derivative-works-2.0-generic
The unusual heavy rainfall affecting 10 Brazilian states - many of them in the dry Northeast region - in the past weeks highlights the lack of public investments and policies to prevent disasters...
Inter Press Service International Association
Photo by Flikr user. Colonos Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
A Brazilian scientific support centre and a leading Swiss laboratory are among the winners of the inaugural Green Star Awards announced in Brussels today. The Green Star Awards honour individuals, organisations, and governments who demonstrate...
United Nations Environment Programme
Photo by Eduardo Marquetti, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
Update reports that authorities say that there is no adequate national action plan to respond to hazards, like the recent floods, in Brazil...
Documents and publications

Although the world’s leaders are increasingly engaging with the question of how to tackle the risks and uncertainties associated with climate change, they are far from reaching a conclusion. Critically, there has been little progress to date in terms of

Documents and publications

Seventy per cent of the world’s extreme poverty is found in agricultural areas where farmers depend on rain for their harvests - and where too much or too little rain spells disaster. ActionAid’s field work confirms that climate-induced declines in crop

Documents and publications

This publication points out the vital nexus between women’s experiences of natural resource management, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, and how they can come together to make whole communities strong and sustainable. It also

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